Monday, March 26, 2012

Pocket Trick

My steeking class on Saturday went smoothly. One student went so far as to say that the class had changed her life. Wow! At one point I put my camera on the table to remind myself to take a few photos of the group, but somehow, I managed to forget, so sorry, no photos of the class.
I'm working on a little project with Brooklyn Tweed's Shelter.

The colourway is "woodsmoke". I love the yarn's earthy quality, deriving from the fact, I think, that it is woollen-spun. It's delightfully soft and airy.
That's a pocket in progress, utilizing EZ's "thumb trick", whereby you knit the stitches that will form the opening onto a length of waste yarn and then re-knit them in the working yarn before continuing along the row. Later, the waste yarn will be removed, revealing live stitches waiting to be worked up (in the case of the lower stitches for the pocket border) or down (in the case of the upper stitches for the pocket lining). So simple.
On another subject, Turbo Tax has finally solved our log-in problem, and we're on our way to e-filing. No celebration though until the process is complete.